Further angered, Unferth declares that either he or Grendel will die that night in the cave. Grendel, however, says that he plans to carry Unferth back to the meadhall unscathed. Unferth swears he would rather kill himself, but Grendel points out that such an action would appear rather cowardly.
first person narration is when someone is talking with pronouns such as I or we.
I think it is A he was repenting
In Act 1 Scene 2 of Midsummer Night's Dream, Nick Bottom and the other laborers are trying to rehearse a play which they will perform before during the celebrations before Theseus and Hippolyta's wedding.
So the answer is - Rehearse a play
The best revision would be the rule of 3/3
Divide in three rows,3 columns