1. All works of art can be original but not all art is as original as others. Its not morally wrong but it involves passing a copy of the artists work off as created by the original artist, usually for financial gain.
2. The definition of work of art is something that is considered to have aesthetic value, so.ething that is beautiful, intriguing, interesting, creative or extremely well done.
3. Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across space and time.
4. Yes, art can express feelings and ideas by how you make your art or what you put into it.
5. Art brings people together physically—at galleries, museums, performance spaces—and culturally, through its capacity to tell a community's shared stories.
it is the 3rd one. "Balance is achieved by using a variety of lines, shapes, and colors"
Rob reiner, who at first loved the script and wanted to direct the movie himself, had some ideas about the characters and wanted some special actors to portray it, who were as below;
<u>"Andy"</u> a character inside the story who was arrested and then got jailed, on false charges of killing his wife and her lover. The character Andy was a banker and did not committed such a crime. As the film crew at first approached several actors to portray the role but in the last it was Tim Robbins who did it. But, here are some names who were considered the first to portray the character at first.
- Tom Hanks
- Kevin Costner
- Johnny Depp
- Tom cruise
- <u>"Red"(The Irishman)</u>
The character "Red" was an Irishman, and many of the crew members of the movie wanted it to be a White man to make it more easy to understand and play for the artist, but the producer Liz Glotzer wanted Morgan Freeman to be the only person playing it,as he was a great admirer Morgan Freeman.
He had hoped his chair(s) would go on to be mass-produced, not hand-crafted. As a matter of fact, he had hopes that much of his furniture would be mass-produced--he aimed for simplicity in construction. The pieces of wood that comprised the Red Blue Chair were the standard lumber sizes readily available at the time.
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