Option A. a military alliance made up of multinational democracies .
- The western alliance was formalised into an organization the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ( NATO ) , which came into existence in April 1949. It was an association of twelve states known as multinational democracies.
- Whicj declaref that armed attack on any one of them in Europe or Noth America would be regarded as an attack on all of them .
- Each of these would be obliged to help each other.
With the breakage of warsaw pact , the countries of East Europe also joined NATO as a result of which its number has gone up to 28 and Russia is its participatory member.
Is there any answer choices?
The similarity between the two Industrial Revolutions is that they both involved an increase in the degree to which machines were being used to do tasks that had once been done in other ways. Yes, there were differences in that the earlier Industrial Revolution was more about things capital goods like steam engines while the second was about consumer goods. But, in both cases, the main thing that was going on was an increase in the use of machinery. This is what they have in common and what makes it legitimate to call both of these "Industrial Revolutions."