a. The definite article "the" was not used in sentence 1 because the word "industry" was used as a general term to describe California's economy. While the definite article "the" is used in sentence 2 in order to be specific in the area of "the industries" that California is famous with.
1. He is proud of the income he makes monthly.
2. The success of your business lies in your determination and passion.
3. The jobs they offer are high paying jobs.
4. The technology used in building this system is highly sophisticated.
5. The drought they experienced last year is greater than that of this year.
6. The climate of this 21st century is changing rapidly.
c. The nouns in (a) is different from the nouns in (b) because the noun "industry" and "industries" are concrete nouns while the other nouns are abstract nouns.
The definite article is known as "the". It is actually used when being specific about something. It usually comes before a noun in a sentence. It is most commonly used in English Language.
Concrete nouns are countable while abstract nouns are not. Abstract nouns refer to the nouns that we cannot see, smell, hear, touch, or taste. Concrete nuns can be seen and touched.
1. The holiday insults enslaved people.
2. deductive
Packed into cattle cars, the Jews are tormented by nearly unbearable conditions. There is almost no air to breathe, the heat is intense, there is no room to sit, and everyone is hungry and thirsty. In their fear, the Jews begin to lose their sense of public decorum. Some men and women begin to flirt openly on the train as though they were alone, while others pretend not to notice. After days of travel in these inhuman conditions, the train arrives at the Czechoslovakian border, and the Jews realize that they are not simply being relocated. A German officer takes official charge of the train, threatening to shoot any Jew who refuses to yield his or her valuables and to exterminate everybody in the car if anybody escapes. The doors to the car are nailed shut, further preventing escape.
Because he was an extremely religious person and found peace and salvation in faith because he was blind, he was a very nice and good person. People generally used to take advantage of him, because he was so nice, yet he did nothing to confront them. Only when he got married did his wife stand up for her husband and did the community start respecting him.