The audience learns from the lines "Be innocent of the knowledge,
dearest chuck, / Till thou applaud the deed" that
Option A: Macbeth will keep Banquo's murder a secret until after the murder has been committed.
In the story "Macbeth" by Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth convinced his husband to murder Duncan. Later she also planned to kill Banquo who is Macbeth's best friend.
Though Macbeth is a noble person, but he wants to become the king and has a thirst for power. He decided that he will only reveal about Banquo's murder to his wife only when the action is completed.
Macbeth is sure that once she comes to know about the murder, she would be very happy and will applaud him for this.
what are the underlined sentences? ill update my answer if you post the sentences, i cant help you without them
A. I personally do my compare and contrast this way and i’ve always gotten good grade on assignments with compare and contrast.
Print and blackboards/whiteboards
When objects are put in print you can revisit certain areas where you may be confused and ask clear questions about that part.
Blackboards and whiteboards allow you to see everything in front of you and point to certain areas.
The correct answer is B. Sally has a new blue bedspread.
Why not the other ones?
A. The table was delivered in two, cardboard boxes. - this sentence should not have a coma between 'two' and 'cardboard'
C. It is, an octagonal, wooden table. - we don't put a comma after verb - in this case after 'is'
D. The old, and dusty table had cracked broken legs. - there is no need to put a comma before a conjunction word (i this case - and)