"This was an army, trained to fight on horseback /or, where the ground required, on foot" (Homer, 55-56.)
MLA is a Modern Language Association citation style that is commonly used to write papers and cite sources in arts and humanities. This is the correct way of referring to the excerpt of the Odyssey in MLA style, you have to put the name of the author and the lines of the citation.
Hey Donnie!
The biggest difference in this period in the spreading of this two groups was that the Jews were forcefully spread out from their homeland to mainly the European countries even though they didn't wanted that, while the Christians systematically forced their way into the European continent even though it was under fire for few hundred years and forbidden for practice.
Credit- GeoPanther
Answer: C, The illustration shows what a Great House looked like from the outside, while the text explains what a Great House looked like from the inside.