War finance, fiscal and monetary methods that are used in meeting the costs of war, including taxation, compulsory loans, voluntary domestic loans, foreign loans, and the creation of money.
One of their biggest arguments was whether or not the USA should join the League of Nations
Bayeux Tapestry
Bayeux Tapestry, medieval embroidery depicting the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, remarkable as a work of art and important as a source for 11th-century history. English axman in combat with Norman cavalry during the Battle of Hastings, detail from the 11th-century Bayeux Tapestry, Bayeux, France.
Answer: 4020 years ago
Because 2000 years ago is when it was year 0. Then you add 2020 since that’s the heat we are in. You get 4020. Hope that helped :)
The United Nations had NATO troops bomb Yugoslavia, in the NATO bombing of 1999.