What would be the adjectives : "I bought a very cool shirt".Adjectif = "cool"
You hear: Etudier A la bibliothèque
You see: Émilie
You say: ? Émilie étudie à la bibliothèque.
You hear: manger au resto u
You see: tu
You say: ? Tu manges au resto U.
You hear: Retrouver des amis après les cours
You see: Antoine et Ahmed
You say: ? Ils retrouvent des amis après les cours.
You hear: aimer les cour de maths
You see: Pierre-Étienne
You say: ? Il aime les cours de maths.
You hear:habiter sur le campus
You see: Sophie et toi
You say: ? Nous habitons sur le campus.
You hear: partager un ordinateur
You see: Sara et Maude
You say: ? Elles partagent un ordinateur.
The answer to this is incorrect
Learning French could have huge benefits on culinary art's, for example, if culinary chefs know French, they will be able to better understand the foods they are making, they will be able to read recipes from other countries, and prepare foreign foods.