1. Heard
2 is correct
3. Said
4. Sold
5. Go
a story you write about yourself
b. a musician and stage hand's announcing of the performance actors
In Act I, the producer comes in to announce the performance actors and to kick start the drama. It was at the stage, the "Six Characters" walked to the stage door and informed the stage keeper that they wanted to see the producer.
After meeting with the producer, the producer introduces the "Six Characters" as the performance actors.
Luigi Pirandello, the author of Six Characters in Search of an Author had gotten international reputation in the 1920s through his work and this play has been used to widely identify him.
The speaker thing that he is going to die soon because he spent his life for the purpose of pleasure without paying attention to their well being.
you can see it on these lines :
- We left school
- We thin Gin
- we die soon
hope this helps
Just do something that you really like to talk about. For example, if you like football, you could talk about the super and state some fact. Or if you like to read you could write about your favorite book. Hope this helps