the Appalachian Mountains
The Appalachian Mountains form a barrier and present a difficulty for those who want to travel the lands in an east-west direction. This hindered the expansion of British colonies in North American America towards the west, leaving that region decolonized for a long time, since the colonizers thought it best not to try to overcome the challenge, since the path was very incest, inhospitable and could present many dangers .
The correct option is AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS.
The African National Congress was founded in Republic of South Africa, it was a social democratic political party. It is a national liberation movement, which was formed in 1912 to unite the African people and to spearhead the struggle for fundamental political, social and economic change in order to create a united, non racial democratic society.
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Texting and e-mail have made communication very fast.
Texting and e-mail have made communication very expensive.
FALSE. Texting can be expensive, depending on your cell phone plan, but email isn't.
Texting and e-mail have made communication very fast.
TRUE. These are 2 ways to communicate instantaneously with other people, no matter where they are.
People write and send more letters through the mail than ever before.
FALSE. Just check the amount of letters you receive at home. Do you communicate more with your friends and family by regular mail or by electronic means?
People seldom communicate because they spend a lot of time on the Internet.
FALSE. Well, time spent on the Internet is often time spent communicating with friends and families (think social networks).
Southern Colonies- reason for settlement
The Southern Colonies were settled mainly for economic gain(commercial gain).