Answer:Un ejemplo de habla es una conversación entre dos personas. Un ejemplo de discurso es el discurso presidencial. El estudio de la comunicación oral, los sonidos del habla y la fisiología vocal. (incontable) La facultad de pronunciar sonidos o palabras articulados; la capacidad de hablar o usar vocalizaciones para comunicarse.
the answer is gel-húmedo
humedo means wet as in... moist?
"humedas" means wet (femenine, plural) so it basically says
i use razor for my legs and 'wet' gel for my hair
i dont think i gave a good explanaition, but i can assure the correct answer is that one
1. Mountaineering/mountain climbing 2.hiking 3. diving
1. Marisol 2. No, sus vacaciones fueron aburridas 3.Isabel 4.Marisol
5. Marta (I am not sure about this one though)
i really dont know what you want
Ok, if you are asking on how much it is,
Es Dos dolares. or en pesos, Es treintaiciete pesos.
or if you are asking like the adjetive, here are a few examples:
Es Bonito. or , Es feo. or, es asombroso!
if im wrong just tell me what i need to answer and i will tell you the answer in the comments below.
but i hope this is what you were looking for!