Because they happen naturally.
climate changes are natural to our planet and happen over time, according to the factors that act on the planet. In this way, climate changes should not be a concern for us, the problem is the speed with which they are happening.
Human activities use a lot of fossil fuels that stick to the atmosphere and accelerate these changes, which cause serious problems in the life of the planet.
<h2>Answer: False</h2>
The longest river in the world in is the Amazon, located in South America, with a length of 6800 kilometers, compared to 6695 of the Nile River.
It is understandable that for a long time it was believed that it was the Nile. However, a few years ago the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics published an investigation claiming that the Amazon is the longest river in the world.
On the other hand, the Sahara Desert itself is the largest (warm) desert in the world, <u>but</u> the Antartic Desert occupies the first place with an area of
compared to
of the Sahara.
Taking into account that the definition of desert is a place with very little or no rainfall in the year.
<h2>Therefore this is false.</h2>
How do you find the contour interval on a map?
near Denver might have index contours of 5,000', 5,100' and so on with a contour interval of 20 feet. This means that there would be five "spaces," and four non-index contour lines, between each index contour. Often, index points are given along with index contours.
Believe Mount Vesuvius is in Italy
<u><em>Prawidłowa odpowiedź to C) ludzie budowali wiele obszarów, aby przekształcić je w pola uprawne.
Naturalne krajobrazy to fragmenty ziemi, które pozostają pod wpływem populacji ludzkiej. Jest to również określane jako pustkowie. Ta ziemia ma zarówno żywe, jak i nieożywione rzeczy swobodnie współistniejące ze sobą zgodnie z ich własną wolą.
Istnieje 6 głównych rodzajów krajobrazów.
Ich nazwy to pustynia, równina, mokradła, góra, lodowiec, las i polarne regiony Ziemi.
Są one dalej podzielone na różne typy, takie jak las tropikalny, las tropikalny itp.
Ziemia ta jest również zachowywana na różne sposoby, tj. Kiedy jest wykorzystywana przez ludzi do uprawy itp.