an direct object is the thing being acted upon by the verb.
the object of a preposition is a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun that follows a preposition and completes its meaning. The object of a preposition is in the objective case. A word group made up of a preposition, its object, and any of the object's modifiers is called a prepositional phrase.
It tells you to find another term for the noun used for example the noun in the sentence is John Proctor, you just need to identify what is John Proctor. It could be like this “John Proctor, a cardiologist (blah blah)” so the appositive that i wrote is cardiologist because it describes john proctor as a doctor.
focus on studying, that means they want you to be studying more than anything else, maybe even do advance studying by yourself. Do some chores as well :D when ur old enough like 15 - 16, get a partime job to help your parents. but if it effect your studyin, just focus on your studying
The soldiers and the journalists that were writing about it were very close to the action. They wrote about their experiences. Moreover, the Vietnam literature has no “escape hatches” (meaning we don't have comic relief, no moments of romance, and scant emphasis on coming-of-age energy). The primary goal was to make us feel like we were there.