The history of Kansas, argued historian Carl L. Becker a century ago, reflects American ideals. He wrote: ... When the area was opened to settlement by the Kansas–Nebraska Act of 1854 it became a battlefield that helped cause the American Civil War. Settlers from North and South came in order to vote slavery down or up.
Being enlightened means being open-minded, having a clear view of the world, without ties to preconceebed ideas.
In an enlightened society the priority is the good of the people as a whole, where <em>reason</em> is the primary source of knowledge, and <em>freedom</em> is the main condition to achieve enlightment, and especially freedom to make public use of reason; so people must be free to think thus grow.
<u>Which document was completed in 1787?</u>
The <u>Constitution of the United States</u> was signed on <u>September 17, 1787,</u> and settled the main principles of government in the country. Throughout the same year, members of the Constitutional Convention reunited to revise and debate over the <u>Articles of Federation</u>, ultimately deciding a new constitution that would establish a new type of government.
To inspire readers to view solecism from a different perspective, seeing it from a more primal and basic standpoint. It tried to shift the attention away from the abstraction of human technology and thinking and expose the bare bones philosophy of the economic system.
The American delegates pleaded with George III to attempt peaceful resolution and declared their loyalty to the Crown. The King refused to receive this petition and instead declared the colonies to be in a state of rebellion in August. Insult turned to injury when George ordered the hiring of HESSIAN mercenaries to bring the colonists under control. Americans now felt less and less like their English brethren. How could their fellow citizens order a band of ruthless, foreign goons? The moderate voice in the Continental Congress was dealt a serious blow.
<span>As the seasons changed and hostilities continued, cries for independence grew stronger. The men in Philadelphia were now wanted for treason.
They continued to govern and hope against hope that all would end well.</span>