1. disponer de
2. pertenece
3. en resumidas cuentas
4. un brindis
5. el ayer
6. deshoja
You must complete the blanks:
1. You can dispose of my books whenever you want.
2. I don't know who this agenda belongs to, but it's not mine.
3. Many more things happened but, in short, we lost the championship.
4. At the wedding celebration a toast was made in honor of the bride and groom.
5. My grandmother always remembers yesterday with melancholy.
6. In the play, Ana defoliates a flower and says: "she loves me", "she doesn't love me"
Sooo, I'm actually about to take my Spanish 4 midterm and times popped up on my review from 1,2, and 3, funny enough.
"¿A qué hora es la clase de español?" translates to, "What time is Spanish class?"
An appropriate response would be, "Le classe de </span>español es a luna en punto."
Meaning, "Spanish class is at one o'clock."
Hope this helps!!
Ella ahorró dinero (she saved money)
Nosotros gastamos dinero en el supermercado (we spend money in the supermarket)
Tu trabajas? (Do you work?)
Ellos trabajan en el restaurante (they work at the restaurant)
Yo saco 100 del cajero automático (i took out 100 from the something)