his disdain for bureaucracies
"Catch-22" is a novel written by Joseph Heller, an American novelist and playwright. This novel was meant to portray a disdain for bureaucracies, which was very popular in the 1960s. It shows a self-refuting idea about what is considered a common sense or valid in bureaucracy.
As stated in "A Catchy Phrase," "Yossarian" was a bombardier who was afraid to die, however, he has to follow the military regulation that they should not avoid combat missions. So, this highlights the standard operating procedures that bombardiers have to follow. It shows a <u>self-defeating idea</u>, since both ideas do not coincide with each other. He can just say "no" if he didn't want to and that would consider him as sane. Nevertheless, he needed to do his job because he was working as a bombardier, so this makes him crazy.
It is C
It is C because it is talking about her life a garden i mean it is saying that her life is a garden of beautiful flowers.
Boris Johnson became Prime Minister on 24 July 2019. He was previously Foreign Secretary from 13 July 2016 to 9 July 2018.
<span>C.Some words are specific to a culture and can't be explained </span>