Specialized glandular epithelial tissue and a vast blood supply
A health risk is something that when it happens, could and/or would be detrimental to your health
0.41 KM
Not sure but:
Distance per Time Time per Distance
0.41 km/h (kilometers per hour) 145:0.00 min:sec/km (minutes:seconds per kilometre)
6.90 m/min (metres per minute) 870.00 s/100m (seconds per 100 metres)
0.11 m/s (metres per second) 8.70 s/m (seconds per metre)
Hi! My name is Zalgo and I am here to help you out today. 1 part of the body would be the appendix. I know this because my little brother had got surgery to get his removed because it got infected, but it isn't a needed body part. Another part would be wisdom teeth and that's a bit of the obvious ones considering we have to get our wisdom teeth removed.
I hope that this helps! :D
"Stay Brainly and stay proud!" - Zalgo