After World War II, the Australian government supported the development of multiculturalism. The correct option in regards to the given question is option "a". After the war, there was need for increasing the population of Australia. For this very purpose, an immigration program was introduced. This immigration program allowed people from European countries and great Britain to migrate and settle in Australia. This immigration policy had restrictions regarding the immigration of the non Europeans from any place around the world. The policies implemented after the war has gone a long way in the making of modern Australia.
sugar cane
prevelant crop grown in the west jndies
Clouds form when air reaches its dew point. This can happen in two ways:
(1) Air temperature stays the same but humidity increases. This is common in locations that are warm and humid.
(2) Humidity remains the same, but temperature decreases
The Red Power Movement, also known as the American Indian Movement<span> (AIM), was dedicated to getting the Federal Government of the United States to return land that was previously owned by the Native Americans. In 1969 Native Americans tried to regain Alcatraz Island which was once a part of their native territory.</span>