"Has been waiting" should be your answer. a simple predicate is the verb or verb phrase in the sentence and it usually tells what the subject does.
Whether it's going to see a scary movie in theatres or going to a haunted house, fear is all around. Many people go to these attractions, and this is because of the fun of being frightened. Here are a few reasons why.
The first reason is that fear spikes adrenaline. When adrenaline starts to run throughout the body, excitement can also occur. This excitement makes it even more fun for those who can handle it. The body also releases dopamine, creating an arousing effect all around! This also lets us know that we are safe.
The second reason why getting scared is fun is because of the joy of the thrill is very common. Studies show that people who like to be thrilled and challenged enjoy scary attractions or films more than others! To like to be challenged or thrilled is very common and can apply to most people, and even if some people don't, who wouldn't like a good haunted house?
The last reason why it's fun to be frightened is because being scared gets many people worked up! As mentioned in the first reason, getting scared releases adrenaline and dopamine, creating a fight or flight feeling. This also gets the blood flowing! Many people enjoy this feeling of a burst of energy, making it almost impossible to pass up a good horror flick.
Many people all over love a good scare for many reasons. Here are just a
One reason is because u will be willing to learn in the comfort of ur own home and wont have to travel every morning
A. mopped his brow, exhaled sharply, and picked up his phone.
A complete predicate includes the verb and the rest of the predicate phrase. A sentence is defined as words meaningfully grouped to express a complete thought. Most of the time, it has a subject and a predicate. In this sentence, the complete subject is ‘loud noises’ and the complete predicate is ‘disturbed the neighbors’. Basically, the sentence conveys the meaning that the neighbors are disturbed by loud noises. All the other choices are phrases or sentence fragments.