1. La civilización maya se basaba en las relaciones entre la vida y la muerte, entre los dioses y los hombres, entre la naturaleza amiga y la naturaleza enemiga. FALSA
2. Los mayas habitaron toda Centroamérica antes de que llegaran los españoles. CIERTO
3. Dejaron manuscritos que explicaban todo sobre su vida y arte, y por medio de éstos, se ha logrado una visión completa sobre los antiguos mayas. CIERTO
4. La cultura maya muestra una actitud humanista porque el hombre tiene un sitio central en el pensamiento y el arte. CIERTO
5. El arte maya no representa a los hombres con los dioses. FALSO
6. Esta exposición demuestra la alta calidad de la pintura maya. CIERTO
Ella te lo da
This is because Ella's giving it (male) to you (tu/ti)
The words "el" and "la" both mean "the" in Spanish. As you said, "el" is masculine and "la" is feminine. Just like in English, these words are used before a noun. In Spanish and other romantic languages, all nouns are gendered. For example, "zapato" means "shoe" in Spanish and is masculine. So, if I wanted to say "the shoe," I would say, "el zapato." Additionally, "flag" is "bandera" and is feminine. So, to say "the flag," you say, "la bandera."
One way to generally tell if a noun is masculine or feminine is the ending. Most words that end with -o are masculine, and most words that end with -a are feminine. However, this is not a rule that always works, there are many exceptions; additionally, there are some nouns that don't end in -o or -a, like verdad (which is feminine). One example of a word that breaks the rule is problema (along with all Spanish words that end with -ma). Problema ends with -a but is masculine. This means that "the problem" in Spanish is "el problema."
La respuesta se encuentra en el archivo adjunto.}
See attached file.