<em>Answer 1: </em><em>La habitación de mi hermana siempre está sucia, pero mi habitación </em><u><em>está</em></u><em> </em><u><em>limpia</em></u><em>.</em>
Translation 1: My sister's room is always dirty, but my room is clean.
<em>Answer 2: </em><em>Estoy contento porque estamos de vacaciones, pero mis padres </em><u><em>están</em></u><em> </em><u><em>descontentos</em></u><em> porque tienen que trabajar. </em>
Translation 2: I am happy because we are on vacation, but my parents are unhappy because they have to work.
<em>Answer 3: </em><em>Tu primo es alto y moreno, pero tú </em><u><em>eres</em></u><em> </em><u><em>bajo</em></u><em> y </em><u><em>rubio</em></u><em>. </em>
Translation 3: Your cousin is tall and dark, but you are short and blond.
<em>Answer 4: </em><em>Mi amigo Fernando dice que las matemáticas son difíciles, pero yo creo que </em><u><em>son</em></u><em> </em><u><em>fáciles</em></u><em>. </em>
Translation 4: My friend Fernando says that maths are difficult, but I think they are easy.
B. aburrido
translation: the opposite of something funny is something ______
Sirven is the right answer.
When conjugating -ir verbs to ustedes, you replace -ir with -en.