=x3+−4x+−4 x 3+16x+2
Combine Like Terms:
=x3+−4x+−4 x 3+16x+2
The technologies were only used to observe enemies but as their effectiveness became apparent, both sides started to dismantle what they were using. For example, they shot down the planes that they would see causing more death.
Juggernaut means an irresistible force or power
Terms from the 20th Century</h3>
The 20th Century is known to have recorded the dealiest wars that saw terrible deaths of civilians snd soldiers. Some notable ones includes:
- World War II
- Russian Civil War
Some notable terms from the wars includes:
Advent -The introduction or beginning of something new
Fundamental -the most important; e.g., a set of beliefs
Internment- the act of detaining or confining people during a time of war
Juggernaut -an irresistible force or power
Genocide- the attempted extermination of a culture, race, or religion
Attrition-The gradual wearing away of morale and the power to resist by persistent attacks
Learn more on Matching terms :brainly.com/question/15292015
The triangle stopped first at the the West Indies from Africa where most slaves were pulled off board, then sent on to ports such as New Orleans to be sold. In this context, the closest would be A.
She knew the land very well and she knew how to interact with other Indian tribes and if she wasn't with them, they could've been killed possibly by other Indian tribes because the white man was looked down upon by them because they had forced them out of their lands before