Poetry is a creative experience and for YOU to let your creativity shine through!
Here are some tips:
Try writing about an experience, such as nervousness for a test or the thrills of skiing.
Poetic devices, if there is no rhyme, can include alliteration (repetition of beginning sounds) and repetition, as well as many others.
A fellow jumped off of a wall
it was the most terrible of all
he had went to bed
with a pain in his head
So lesson learned, do not jump off a wall
The Indispensable Struggle for Mastery. The Call of the Wild is a story of transformation in which the old Buck—the civilized, moral Buck—must adjust to the harsher realities of life in the frosty North, where survival is the only imperative.
Did Jack really say it's not my responsibility?
The Mayor promised that the project would be completed in two months.
The professor asked, "When was the treaty signed?".
"You're out of your mind!", exclaimed Tony, slamming the door.
"I'm going to the newsstand", he said, "for a copy of the newspaper."
The composer asked if the orchestra would play this on Thursday.