I don't know you should figure that out good luck
good luck
A dedicated server is a single computer in a network reserved for serving the needs of the network. For example, some networks require that one computer be set aside to manage communications between all the other computers. A dedicated server could also be a computer that manages printer resources.
The solution code is written in R script.
- #string variable
- character_str<- "Hello World"
- #logical variable
- logic <- a > b
- #Missing value
- myVec <-c(1, 2, 3, NA)
- #Use class to check data type
- class(character_str)
- class(logic)
- class(myVec)
A string variable is a variable that hold a string (the letters enclosed within quotation marks) (Line 2)
A logical variable is a variable that hold a logical value (either True or False). The logical value is created by comparing two variables (Line 5).
In R, missing value is an unknown value which is represented by NA symbol (Line 8).
We can use in-built method <em>class </em> to check for the variable type in R (Line 11-13). For example, the output of <em>class(character_str)</em> is "<em>character</em>"
SAML seems to be an accessible standardized XML-based for some of the sharing of validation and verification details and has been generally implemented for the web apps and it seems to be a design that would be SSO. Verification data is shared via XML documentation which are securely signed. So, the following answer is correct according to the given scenario.