True, anthropology is about the study of humans and human behaviour and societies in the past and present. Social anthropology and cultural anthropology study the norms and values of societies.
<span>Authorizing technologies are technologies that controls the use of system and network resources through authentication and authorization.
</span><span>Enabling technologies are innovation technologies that drive radical change in the capabilities of a user or culture.
</span>Obstructing technologies include blocking<span> and filtering, content manipulation, attacks.
</span>Preemption means "prior seizure of" and preemptive technologies <span>take control of the operating system from one task and giving </span>it<span> to another task.
</span><span>Technologies that function within the established system are called enabling technologies.</span>
E-mail B is the more appropriate workplace e-mail because it’s straightforward, polite, and professional. E-mail A was more accusatory and aggressive, and many people don’t like when they’re being yelled at or accused of something and, as a result, this person may start to dislike that coworker. However, the second e-mail was more polite and made the receiver think of them as a respectful person so that they’re happy to help them out.