1John Maynard Keynes (1882-1946)
2Friedrich August von Hayek (1899-1992)
3Milton Friedman (1912-2006)
4Lawrence Robert Klein (1920-2013)
5Robert Lucas Jr. (1937-Present)
6Elinor Ostrom (1933-2012)
7Leon Walras (1834-1910)
Scientific thinking
Mark is engaging scientific thinking because he is thinking in two scientific ways which are thinking about content of science(theories that are causing certain behavior and more) and reasoning(why there is a such behavior) which are considering test applicable hypotheses and revising of his theories.
Thins type of thinking is using deduction, causal reasoning, concept formation, induction and more.
Dynamics in music is used to describe the loudness or volume of notes in a musical piece. It is indicated in written or printed form by musical notation also called music dynamics. These notations may be more detailed however. Dynamics of music extend to cover more than loudness of notes such as timbre and tempo.
Not sure but I think it is False
Moving the country away from corruption was an ideal of the progressives during the Progressive Era.
Prominent magazine and media coverage of corrupt individuals in business, politics, and local governments by muckrackers (writers and journalists) helped to expose the scandals, monopolies, social ills, and corporate corruptions taking place in America.