I believe the 2 and 5 and maybe the last one :)
I studied this
The beginning of the 20th century in England was marked by the death of the Queen Victoria in 1901. and thus the end of Victorian era. During this period the population of England almost doubled. The period that followed was seen as mediocre period with great differences between the wealthy and the poor. Unemployment increased. There were large numbers of domestic servants who lived in a self-enclosed social system inside the mansions. Half of population could not read or write. The work conditions in the booming industrial factories were terrible. Working class performed physical labor for minimal wages; lower middle class were head teachers, journalists, shopkeepers; middle class were doctors, lawyers, clerks; upper class did not work and their income came from inherited land and investments.
a)A principios del siglo XIX, muchos activistas que creían en la abolición de la esclavitud también decidieron apoyar el sufragio femenino. En la década de 1800 y principios de la de 1900, muchos activistas que favorecían la templanza decidieron apoyar también el sufragio femenino. Esto ayudó a impulsar el movimiento por el sufragio femenino en los Estados Unidos.
b) La mujer comenzó a luchar por un sufragio universal.
c) No, no es correcto decir que fueron o siguen siendo invisibles ya que se han modificado muchos derechos para ellos.
d) La encuesta del Pew Research Center a ciudadanos en 38 países encontró que la mayoría en 37 de esos 38 países dijeron que la igualdad de género es al menos "algo importante", y una mediana global del 65% cree que es "muy importante" que las mujeres tengan los mismos derechos. como hombres.
ART because it is color and it’s awesome ❣️❤️
it depend son how old you are. if your 15 and commit murder the legally cannot put you in prison but they can put you in juvinial dentition till your 18 so yes it would be everyone is equal