Talk about how many have come through the years.
For example: Many immigrants have entered (whatever country, I'd assume America but you can fill in the blamk) but by far the most that have entered would be (number here) and (this percent) have stayed and.....
And if not that, maybe talk about how their cultures have affected the world or another country because of immigration. I hope that helps!
Children are like little buds of a flower. A child's thinking process in entire dependent on others. they observe other from a very young age and are dependent on them for everything.
Sara Holbrook. Reading and writing poetry helps me understand my life, the world, and the people I care about. Whether I am writing ...
Focus Poetry"...close analysis (theme/ style/craft/set-up/vocab/language/perspective/ gramnar) of one poem a week -
A. The cause-and-effect structure emphasizes the fact that hard work is responsible for improved test scores.