The Sun
The sun does not move or rotate and hence cannot retrograde, however the other planets rotate. Some astronomers define retrograde motion as the Westward movement of the planets relative to the sun, based on this definition, all the planets experience retrograde movement. On the other hand, while some astronomers define retrograde motion as the movement that the other planets make when earth passes them while orbiting the sun. Based on this second classification, Mercury and Venus do not retrograde relative to the earth because they move faster than the earth.
Its both but that's controversial. Good because Africans were introduced to new things and were able to create new jobs they learned how to trade, bad because their natural resources were degraded, the Europeans brought diseases to the live stock and Africans, urbanization which isn't always a bad thing but in this case the Africans didn't how to properly "take care" of an urban area.
Its your choice to make there's obviously other reasons but these are the ones I thought of .
Your best will be "C" solar heating near the costline heats.....
The challenges range from terrorism and violent extremism, to piracy, political instability, elections-related violence, drug trafficking or deadly viruses.