2 the principle of causation.
(the post-Cartesian attempt to see everything as governed by simple laws of cause and effect)
1 the operation or relation of a cause and its effect.
(cause and effect play an important part in the universe)
If you need hep with your citations, it is recommended you follow the MLA format rules, as this is will likely be your go-to for much of high school essay writing and the like.
Therefore, I suggest using a works cited list, which is more convenient compared to citing each individual line.
++Say no to tanning. There's no such thing as a safe tan, whether you're inside or outside. It's a myth that indoor tanning is a safer alternative to sun tanning. Tanning beds, tanning booths, and sunlamps expose you to intense UV radiation, which increases your risk of skin cancer and skin damage.
++Give up the vitamin D excuse. Tanning isn't a safe way to get vitamin D. If you're concerned about your vitamin D levels, talk to your doctor about the sources that are best for you.
++Get to know your skin. Skin cancer is easier to treat when caught early, so get to know your skin and watch for changes.
Sameeee I don’t like scary stuff!!!