distributed practice.
Many students review course material at various times during a semester so they will be prepared for the final exam. These students are especially likely to retain the information far into the future. This best illustrates the value of distributed practice. Distributed practice is a strategy of learning that makes use of smaller addiction of study and practice over a longer period of time rather than a short period of time. For example, studying something during two different sessions with a break of a few days (or even hours) in between, rather than learning it all in a go.
The health promotion model (HPM)
The health promotion model (HPM) is a concept that was first proposed by Nola Pender in 1982. This model was revolutionary in medical research and practice because it provided a completely new way of thinking about health. In this model, Pender argues that health cannot be simply defined as the absence of disease. Instead, it is a condition that can be seen as a dynamic state. Therefore, medical practitioners should not only concern themselves with getting rid of disease, but should also focus in increasing a client's well-being.
Cross-sectional research method
The Cross-sectional research method is a method of observational study design. Here, in this study the experimenter or the researcher measures and studies the outcome and and exposures in the study participants in the same time.
In the context, An experimenter studies the heredity and the intelligence of the MZ twins who are reared together and for those who are reared apart. The findings of the experiment made by the researcher is a result of a cross sectional research method in this case.
What are goals in social studies?
The National Council for Social Studies (NCSS) cited in Parker (2001) states that the primary purpose of Social Studies is to help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.