1. Yo prefiero el helado de chocolate y no el de vainilla.
2. Mañana mi madre viene a visitarme.
When we build sentences we must determine the grammatical person, the gender, the number, the verb and the time in which we want to pose it. In this way we will be able to logically conjugate the verb within the sentence and that it has concordance with what you want to express.
Son. Is the answer. Please give me brainliest answer!
Did you ever find it? because i didnt
Once mas once= 22 (veinte dos)
seis más tres= 9 (nueve)
trece menos trece= 0 (cero)
veintiséis menos quince= 11 (once)
doce más ocho= 20 (veinte)
ventinueve menos diesinueve= 10 (once)
treinta menos cartorce=16 (diesisies)
veintitres menos diesisies=7 (siete)
siete más uno=8 (ocho)
veinticinco menos veintiuno=4 (cuarto)
Sorry didn't finish it the first time.