Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar (August 16, 1798 – December 25, 1859) was an attorney born in Georgia, who became a Texas politician, poet, diplomat, and soldier. He was a leading Texas political figure during the Texas Republic era. He was elected as the second President of the Republic of Texas after Sam Houston.
Contain communism. the idea was if communism was limited to only a few nations, communism would soon die out
Option: the formation of a government controlled by religious officials.
Roger Williams banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636 because of his ideas, which according to the Puritans officials was dangerous and threat among the Puritans. Williams did not consider the Puritan Church was pure enough for the people in New England. He explained that the government should not interfere with people on what religious behaviours they should join. For all these ideas he was banished from the colony and established a new settlement in Rhode Island.
Anne Hutchinson became known for her religious and feminist beliefs that threatened the Puritan ministers’ orthodox view. Hutchinson became a spiritual leader in the colony and preached settlers, which finally give her the reputation because of her objection in Puritan beliefs about the Covenant of Works.
Constantinople was the center of Byzantine trade and culture.