Mitocondria is nicknamed the powerhouse of the cell, These structures are nicknamed the powerhouse of the cell because they work to convert energy into forms that the cell is able to use. Mitochondria are semi-autonomous cells, which means that they only rely partly on the cell for division and growth.
Staining is done for onion cells to visualize the cytoplasm of yellow and white onions because they are not pigmented. The staining of human cheek cells with methylene blue is necessary to stain the nucleus to get clear image of it under microscope because methylene blue binds to negative charge nucleic acids
While for leaf epidermal cells smears, staining is not necessary as they are visible under light microscope without staining and they also have pigmented materials inside them such as chlorophyll chloroplast. The cork cell is a non-living and have a cell wall whose structure is visible under light microscope.
Answer: Kira has difficulty in walking in smooth coordinated manner because she has suffered injury to the cerebellum.
Cerebellum is a part of the brain situated inferior to cerbrum and posterior to pons. It receives sensory information and converts it into motor responses. Motor coordination is when subsequent parts of the same movement, or the movements of several limbs or body parts are combined in a manner that is well timed, smooth, and efficient. Cerebellum coordinates voluntary motor movements resulting in smooth coordinated muscular activities. Injury to cerebellum causes its loss of function which in return causes
1) loss of coordinated movements
2) inability to perform alternate rapid movements
3) movement tremors
4) staggering wide based gait