Answer: so the answer is YES
Although Buddhism spread throughout Asia it remained virtually unknown in the West until modern times. The early missions sent by the emperor Ashoka to the West did not bear fruit.
Knowledge of Buddhism has come through three main channels: Western scholars; the work of philosophers, writers and artists; and the arrival of Asian immigrants who have brought various forms of Buddhism with them to Europe, North America and Australia.
The 'come and see for yourself' attitude of Buddhism attracts many Westerners. They are not asked to believe in anything, but to follow the Buddha's advice of testing ideas first.
With the growth of easy travel and communications, the West has been able to find out more about Buddhism in this century than in all the time before. The informality and emphasis on practice of Buddhism appeals to many Westerners.
A cold war<span> is a state of </span>conflict<span> between nations that </span>does<span> not involve direct military action but is pursued primarily through economic and political actions, propaganda, acts of espionage or proxy wars waged by surrogates. This </span>term<span> is most commonly used to refer to the </span>Soviet<span>-American Cold War
The start of WWII. WWI was a very big cause of WWII. WWI led to depressions in Germany, Italy, the Soviet Union, and many more places which in turn caused powerful people to rise in many different countries. These countries in which a person of power rose each had some part in the start of WWII.
*It should be Denmark Vesey not Denmark Veset*
He was accused and convicted of being the leader of "the rising," a potentially major slave revolt which was scheduled to take place in the city on July 14, as well as mounting a planned insurrection where slaves would rise in the middle of the night, murder their masters by slitting their throats, burn the city, and then mount their escape by sailing from the harbor in Charleston to the black republic of Haiti.
3 main reasons for imperialism:
raw materials:caused imperialism because nations wanted to gain raw materials for their newly developed factories
manufactured goods:caused imperialism because nations wanted to gain markets to sell their goods
white man's burden:caused imperialism because nations felt it was their duty to "civilize" the nations in Africa and Asia
Reasons against imperialism:
hypocrisy, America claims government to be chosen by the people
America will now be involved in Asian conflicts