People and differences in general:
Not everybody in Peru is a slave to cars, fancy modern apartments, jobs that pay a well living. There are no big chains of grocery stores like Walmart, Trader Joe's and Target, so it's a challenge to find what you need. There are big markets where people sell their own goods, which means they would have to grow them in order to get profit from them. Of course, there are supermarkets in Peru, but if you're looking for fresh and cheaper meat and dairy, you would have to talk to the locals or people at markets and explain them everything to the tiniest detail in order to get what you're looking for. When it comes to the States, grocery shopping is pretty dull and it occurs in robotic manner. You get to the car, drive to the store, pick up what you need, get in the car, drive back home. In Peru, shopping for simple things like groceries are quite interesting. There are individual vendors that sell different types of foods, from fruit to the vegetables, from meat do dairy, from herbs to nuts. Some would say it takes more effort this way, but I would say it's refreshing and new. It pushes your limits in communication and it challenges you to walk more.
When it comes to food, some of the traditional dishes are ceviche, cuy al horno ( roasted guinea pig). Their dishes are usually based on rice, soups, corn, potatoes ( fun fact: there are 3800 different kinds of potato in Peru) lots of meat, from alpaca to chicken. Traditional soup usually contains quinoa, veggies, any kind of meat and corn. They enjoy spicy food, so it's not rare that they put spices in almost everything.
When it comes to America, it's as simple as apple pie, Turkey for the Thanksgiving, burgers in a hundred ways, deep-dish pizza ( also referred to it Chicago dough, as it's full and crusty ), Texas barbecue, ribs and Tacos ( in LA, you can find small taquerias on almost every corner )
People from Peru enjoy both playing and watching sports, they are very passionate and enthusiastic about them. The most famous sports in Peru is soccer. Then, it's followed by volleyball.
Traditionally, they used to play cockfighting, bull-fighting and racing.
In America, the most loved and famous sports is American football or Rugby. They enjoy playing and watching basketball, baseball and soccer. They also enjoy tennis, golf, lacrosse, wrestling, etc.
Mainly form of transport in Peru is bus.
You get almost anywhere by picking a certain line. When it comes to driving cars, it's a bit hectic.
In the States, many people commute from point A to the point B.
There are varieties of transportation, from subways to vans, from trucks to fancy cars, from boats to planes, etc.
Population and languages:
The current population in Peru, in the year of 2019, is 32.51 millions, while in the USA, it's 327.2 millions, says the report from 2018.
The most spoken language of the USA is English and in Peru, it's not only one.
The official language of Peru is Spanish, but there are many people who speak Aymara and Quechua, which are also official languages.
The capital city of Peru is Lima.
One of the sensations that this country hides is Machu Picchu which belongs to the group of 7 Wonders of the World ( New ) and the biggest flying bird in the world is found in Peru, The Giant Andean Condor.
When it comes to the States, there is no official language, even though English is spoken by the majority. The capital city of the USA was New York at first. The person who designed the flag was a high school student. They have the biggest economy and military force in the world.