Where you only give the main points from a source: Summary
A portion of a text that is 4 lines or longer: Long quote
When you use your own words to talk about what happened: Paraphrase
A portion of a text that is less than 4 lines: Short quote
hold up
i walk in to my shared dorm today, right? i say hey to my roomie, he says hey back, and i go about my day. i'm lying in my bed now, he is still here. my roomate is a girl im terrified. she walks in, says hey to him, grabs me, runs out, we walk to the local mcdonalds to get icecream. We can se him in the mcdonalds, accually his face and voice is every where. god, why is biden all over the place
Beowulf's deeds require tremendous courage. Beowulf's deeds require courage, because Beowulf was courageous enough to death with Grendel's mother. And almost of the deeds Beowulf's require courage.
For the answer to the question above, Miley had a mare that the boys liked to call the "fifteen-minute nag." She seemed really old and slow, and she had asthma. She’d get a head start, then amble along until the end of the race, when she’d suddenly start bolting ahead like crazy, wheezing, until she would win, but barely.
If this is from "The Bet", then it would have been because the lawyer is writing this as a final notice before his escape.