Scottish philosopher who wrote The Wealth of Nations in 1776. Argued that money in and of itself did not constitute wealth wealth but merely its marker. He advocated Laissez-faire economic theory. Adam Smith also said that individuals should freely pursue their own economic interests
The Protestant Reformation in Northern Europe drew large numbers of people away from the Roman Catholic Church.<u> The Catholic Reformation known as well as the Catholic Revival or The Counter-Reformation,</u> begin in the second half of the 16th century and continuing into the 17th, aimed at preserving what strength the Church still in the southern countries.
Anti-Semitism, sometimes called history’s oldest hatred, is hostility or prejudice against Jewish people. The Nazi Holocaust is history’s most extreme example of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism did not begin with Adolf Hitler: Anti-Semitic attitudes date back to ancient times. In much of Europe throughout the Middle Ages, Jewish people were denied citizenship and forced to live in ghettos. Anti-Jewish riots called pogroms swept the Russian Empire during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and anti-Semitic incidents have increased in parts of Europe, the Middle East and North America in the last several years.
The term anti-Semitism was first popularized by German journalist Wilhelm Marr in 1879 to describe hatred or hostility toward Jews. The history of anti-Semitism, however, goes back much further.
Hostility against Jews may date back nearly as far as Jewish history. In the ancient empires of Babylonia, Greece, and Rome, Jews—who originated in the ancient kingdom of Judea—were often criticized and persecuted for their efforts to remain a separate cultural group rather than taking on the religious and social customs of their conquerors.
With the rise of Christianity, anti-Semitism spread throughout much of Europe. Early Christians vilified Judaism in a bid to gain more converts. They accused Jews of outlandish acts such as “blood libel”—the kidnapping and murder of Christian children to use their blood to make Passover bread.
The main way in which artisan guilds changed labor and social class in medieval Europe is that it gave the artisans, who were mostly members of the lower class, more power--since these guilds acted somewhat like a modern "union" and helped them negotiate better pay.
They gave figures volume and placed them in natural-looking poses.