B. Articles of Confederation
Infilterated- Spread into or invade (A tissue or a organ)
Virginia plan- Unsuccessfully proposed at the Constitutional Convention
New Jersey- was a proposal for the structure of the U.S. federal government put forward by William Paterson at the Constitutional Convention in 1787.
Delegate- A person sent or authorized
3/5 Compromise-slavery- The compromise counted three-fifths of each state's slave population toward that state's total population for the purpose of apportioning the House of Representatives
The great Compromise- was an agreement made between large and small states which partly defined the representation each state would have under the United States Constitution, as well as in legislature.
Articles of Confederation- The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union was an agreement among the 13 original states of the United States of America that served as its first constitution.
The jews
To them they considered them as rats.
Despite that expansive wording, the Emancipation Proclamation was limited in many ways. It applied only to states that had seceded from the Union, leaving slavery untouched in the loyal border states. It also expressly exempted parts of the Confederacy that had already come under Northern control. Most important, the freedom it promised depended upon Union military victory.
Although the Emancipation Proclamation did not immediately free a single slave, it captured the hearts and imagination of millions of African Americans, and fundamentally transformed the character of the war from a war for the Union into a war for freedom. Moreover, the proclamation announced the acceptance of black men into the Union army and navy, enabling the liberated to become liberators. By the end of the war, almost 200,000 black soldiers and sailors had fought for the Union and freedom.
The correct answer is C, as Stephen Douglas proposed that Congress would vote on each Compromise of the 50's measure individually, and that helped pass the bill.