is kind of a hard one so.............
I think the answer is A. by plants and animals as a source of water.
My second answer/guess...IF i'm rough would be C. by humans for drinking and bathing.
I'd choose C.) and here is why. If I asked someone for directions to a hotel they are going to describe the roads and buildings to me. They might say it is built in an embankment then I know to look for a hotel in an embankment. If this is wrong please let me know so I can research more on the subject.
boundaries or destructive plate boundary due to subduction, is an actively deforming
area where two or more tectonic plates of the lithosphere move towards one
another and collide. As an effect of pressure, plate material and friction
melting in the mantle, volcanoes and earthquakes are common near convergent
boundaries. Subduction or continental collision is created when two plates move
towards one another, depending on the nature of the involved plates. During
these collisions (between two continental plates) Himalayas and large mountain
ranges are formed.