48/70 = <span>0.68571428571
Rounded, that's 0.69%
The percentage of total daily allowance of a meal will be 69% rounded to a whole number. </span>
He drowns in river
I watched him drown but i chose to not help
In “The Rime <u>of the</u> Ancient Mariner,” the albatross was initially an omen of good luck.
<span>Socrates speaks in a very plain, conversational manner. He explains that he has no experience with the law courts and that he will instead speak in the manner to which he is accustomed: with honesty and directness. He explains that his behavior stems from a prophecy by the oracle at Delphi which claimed that he was the wisest of all men. Recognizing his ignorance in most worldly affairs, Socrates must be wiser than other men only in that he knows nothing. In order to spread this peculiar wisdom, Socrates explains that he considered it his duty to question supposed "wise" men and to expose their false wisdom as ignorance</span>