Emotions create drama, and people find drama interesting.
Emotional sermons are more truthful than sermons without emotion.
people would feel a difference
The rise of organized baseball after the Civil War led to early attempts to segregate the sport. The National Association of Amateur Base Ball Players rejected African-American membership in 1867, and in 1876,
owners of the professional National League adopted a “gentleman’s agreement” to keep blacks out. Subsequent African.
If isolationism has become outdated, what kind of foreign policy does the United States follow? In the years after World War II, the United States was guided generally by containment — the policy of keeping communism from spreading beyond the countries already under its influence. The policy applied to a world divided by the Cold War, a struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, containment no longer made sense, so in the past ten years, the United States has been redefining its foreign policy. What are its responsibilities, if any, to the rest of the world, now that it has no incentive of luring them to the American "side" in the Cold War? Do the United States still need allies? What action should be taken, if any, when a "hot spot" erupts, causing misery to the people who live in the nations involved? The answers are not easy.
I believe the answer is: Giving them back.
With current development of technology and social media, we could read from various different sources and easily provided the new knowledge for other people with one single touch.
One positive thing about this is that it make the flow of information become much more easier, but one negative thing about it is that it is really hard to separate which knowledge are true and which are not.