because Andrew Jackson states "it will facilitate the extinguishment of the national debt, the unnecessary duration of which is incompatible with real independence, …
that the spirit of equity, caution and compromise in which the Constitution was formed requires that the great interests of agriculture, commerce, and manufactures should be equally favored …
D. It was a trade route that connected China with the West
Industrialization in the early 1800s began drawing white Northeastern women out of the home and into the factory and schoolhouse. ...
While many women worked for wages, others remained at home and professionalized the job of homemaker as part of the nineteenth-century cult of domesticity.
As I recall it was rolled-steel girders riveted together, probably from shipbuilding, together with steam-powered winches and an abundance of cheap steel. As opposed to European cathedrals erected with animal-powered winches and with more expensive forged iron bracing (one of the big cathedrals has a kind or iron corset to keep the walls from bursting outwards).
Georgia was named after King George II of Great Britain after the state was colonized in 1732