oh the house is on fire!!!
Bekka read <em>"Someone to Love Me"</em> for her book report.
Keisha invited her friends to a pool party for her birthday.
Did she name the kitten Sunshine because of its golden fur?
I wonder if he read the book in social studies. (this one i'm not 100% sure about, mind you.)
On Monday, Ms. Smith gave us a science project.
The Amazon River is the longest river in South America.
Get me a Big Mac, would you?
Janet said wearily, "Could you help me up?"
A synonym would in short be a similar(Happy,Nice) meaning and antonym being the opposite meanings (Happy,Angry) So what would the other word be?
Answer:a Debacle is a big, sudden, failure
”my final exam was a Debacle”
Incomplete question. However, I provided an explanation of key terms.
- <em>idea</em>: the term 'idea' refers to a suggestion or thought about a particular course of action/
- <em>concept</em>: a concept is a thought-out idea; or an idea plan.
- <em>clarify</em>: <em>to </em>'clarify' something, be it an idea implies that you<u> make an unclear statement understood to others.</u>
- <em>complicate</em>: to 'complicate' involves making something, be it an idea less understood, more difficult to understand. In other words, it is the opposite of 'clarify'.