Quick is an adjective.
done, proceeding, or occurring with promptness or rapidity, as an action, process, etc.; prompt; immediate: a quick response. that is over or completed within a short interval of time: a quick shower. moving, or able to move, with speed: a quick fox; a quick train.
its the first one you need to infer, look for repeated words and make connections based on the details and topic if the article
Examples of Covert in a sentence The spy went to great lengths to make sure his enemies would not discover his covert plans. Because my husband is always snooping into my affairs, I am working very hard to keep his surprise party covert.
this what it means covert :not openly acknowledged or displayed.
The derived word is: description.
A root word is one that originates other words. A derived word is one that comes from a root word. One way to derive words is by adding affixes to the root word. Affixes can be divided into prefixes and suffixes, which are added, respectively, to the beginning and the ending of the root word.
When it comes to the word "describe", a derived word can be formed by adding the suffix "-tion" to it. The root word drops the final -e and the -b becomes -p:
describe --> description
The change in the consonant may happen in order to make pronunciation easier. The phonemes represented by letters "t" and "p" do not require the use of vocal cords, while the phoneme represented by "b" does. Thus, it is easier to pronounce "p" with "t" than it is to pronounce "b" with "t".