The swim bladder is located in the body cavity and is derived from an outpocketing of the digestive tube. It contains gas (usually oxygen) and functions as a hydrostatic, or ballast, organ, enabling the fish to maintain its depth without floating upward or sinking.
Four fundamental forces
the weak interaction
the strong interaction.</span>
The energy carried by electromagnetic waves is sometimes referred to as radiant energy. Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium for propagation hence they can travel through vacuum and are known to transmit enormous amount of energy.
Electromagnetic waves transmit energy away from the source of the wave. Hence the answer chosen in the answer section above.
Hereditary is Breast cancer and Inheritance is
Getting Breast Cancer basically it runs in the family inheriting.
Answer: a. Genetic recombination (crossing over)
b. Can also be explained in terms of crossing over
c. Non disjunction of homologous chromosomes in meiosis 1
The process that allows for the transfer of both the paternal and maternal materials to is the crossing over process that takes at meiosis 1 changing them to secondary spermatocytes. While they are still primary spermatocytes, they are still diploid cells having both the maternal and paternal chromosomes. But since the spermatozoon is an haploid cell, it is able to retail some of both parents chromosome by the crossing over event which takes place between homologous paternal and maternal chromosomes allowing them to exchange materials. Thus the chromosomal contents of the primary spermatocyte differs from that of the spermatozoon.
C. This can occur as a result of the one of the homologous chromosome pair refusing to separate at meiosis 1 with one gamete containing 4 chromosomes/8 sister chromatids and the second having 2 chromosomes/4 sister chromatids.