3direct objects found is predicate nominative
It’s from a Scottish and English surname which originally indicated a person from a place known as Ross ( such as the region of Ross in northern Scotland ), derived from Gaelic ros meaning “promontory, headland”
The answer is option C
Feline conduct incorporates non-verbal communication, end propensities, hostility, play, correspondence, chasing, preparing, pee stamping, and confront rubbing in household felines. In a family with numerous felines, the cooperation can change contingent upon which people are available and how confined the domain and assets are. Most proprietors consider this to be an indication of friendship and welcome this conduct. At the point when felines rub against articles, they are exchanging their aroma. It is nearly as though they are asserting proprietorship and we are one of their effects. Your feline head-butting or nestling your face stores fragrance from organs in their cheek area.Kittens may grow up to be meek in the event that they are not mingled early. Albeit each feline has its own identity, all felines have a few qualities that a few people discover charming and others find off-putting. Felines can be curious, neighborly, fun loving, dynamic, adoring and free.
Both writers use hyperbole to convey negative opinions about how dangerous the roads are for cyclists because of the actions of other road users. In the first paragraph of Source A, the writer zooms in on what he views as the cause of the problems on the roads: people in cars.