Prevailing winds- winds that come from a direction predominant during that specific time and place
doldrums- state of depression or inactivity
current- body of air that moves in a direct direction, especially through a surrounding mass of air that accumulates less movement
precipitation- snow, rain, hail, or sleet that falls to the ground
windward- direction of upwind from a specific point
leeward- direction downward from a specific point
rain shadow- a place that has little rainfall because it’s blocked off from prevailing rainfall winds by a range of large hills
The role of women in rural development, food production and poverty eradication. ... Rural women are key agents for development. They play a catalytic role towards achievement of transformational economic, environmental and social changes required for sustainable development.
Letter B - India/Pakistan
The venue of the Green Revolution in India allowed to prevent a massive famine in India and Pakistan in the early 1960's, saving a great number of people in this second most populated country of the world.
A Mexican research team introduced a new variety of wheat in India during that period and that earned them a Nobel Prize in 1970.