Your mobile phone works just fine, but the manufacturer just released a new version of the phone in a different color. You really want that new phone!
that one would match A.
You just got a test back, and you are disappointed in your grade this time.
You just sat down to watch your favorite TV show, and the electricity went out. Although you are disappointed, you decide instead to read a book to your little brother.
You decide to give up social media because it is taking a lot of your time and attention away from your responsibilities.
(I am not 100% sure if these are correct, if they aren't i am really sorry)
Explanation: city council only has control over problems associating with a specific town or city, no parking spots are problems specific to towns or city’s
Where are the options? If I had a guess, it is the goal of both sides to controll the most land. But, plz give options.
Fredrick Douglass was a black male who spoke up for the rights of black people and the rights of women. He was extremely important to the cause of black peoples rights. I think he is an important historical contributor knowing that he did so much for black rights and even womens rights.