The last days have been hard. I have had a lot of problems with planting, with corn and grain. But my son has grown up and now he can help us work on the farm which will be very good for us as I can no longer do all the work alone. Our family is fine my daughter and my wife are healthy despite everything we are doing our best.
Britain was against the American Independence because America would be the first colony to gain independence from its western colonist and it would create a revolution and rebellion in other parts where britain had colonised.
The news that America was finally going to be independent from the Britain, it shocked everyone. They were not expecting that Britain would let loose on the Americans.
The economic advantages were highly effected, America was a great hub of resources. Britain's were afraid that seeing how Americans have gained freedom, other countries might get the same idea and rebel.
The Treaty of Versailles (signed in 1919) and the 1921 London Schedule of Payments required Germany to pay 132 billion gold marks (US$33 billion) in reparations to cover civilian damage caused during the war.
Choice C
The other three choices would be related most to a primary document- from the viewpoint of someone who was present or witnessed the event itself. Secondary choices (like a textbook on WWII) present the viewpoints of someone who has studies primary sources to reach a set of conclusions.